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Migrate from Standard brokers to Express brokers in Amazon MSK using Amazon MSK Replicator

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) now offers a new broker type called Express brokers. It’s designed to deliver up to 3 times more throughput per broker, scale up to 20 times faster, and reduce recovery time by 90% compared to Standard brokers running Apache Kafka. Express brokers come preconfigured with Kafka best practices by default, support Kafka APIs, and provide the same low latency performance that Amazon MSK customers expect, so you can continue using existing client applications without any changes. Express brokers provide straightforward operations with hands-free storage management by offering unlimited storage without pre-provisioning, eliminating disk-related bottlenecks. To learn more about Express brokers, refer to Introducing Express brokers for Amazon MSK to deliver high throughput and faster scaling for your Kafka clusters.

Creating a new cluster with Express brokers is straightforward, as described in Amazon MSK Express brokers. However, if you have an existing MSK cluster, you need to migrate to a new Express based cluster. In this post, we discuss how you should plan and perform the migration to Express brokers for your existing MSK workloads on Standard brokers. Express brokers offer a different user experience and a different shared responsibility boundary, so using them on an existing cluster is not possible. However, you can use Amazon MSK Replicator to copy all data and metadata from your existing MSK cluster to a new cluster comprising of Express brokers.

MSK Replicator offers a built-in replication capability to seamlessly replicate data from one cluster to another. It automatically scales the underlying resources, so you can replicate data on demand without having to monitor or scale capacity. MSK Replicator also replicates Kafka metadata, including topic configurations, access control lists (ACLs), and consumer group offsets.

In the following sections, we discuss how to use MSK Replicator to replicate the data from a Standard broker MSK cluster to an Express broker MSK cluster and the steps involved in migrating the client applications from the old cluster to the new cluster.

Planning your migration

Migrating from Standard brokers to Express brokers requires thorough planning and careful consideration of various factors. In this section, we discuss key aspects to address during the planning phase.

Assessing the source cluster’s infrastructure and needs

It’s crucial to evaluate the capacity and health of the current (source) cluster to make sure it can handle additional consumption during migration, because MSK Replicator will retrieve data from the source cluster. Key checks include:

  • CPU utilization – The combined CPU User and CPU System utilization per broker should remain below 60%.
  • Network throughput – The cluster-to-cluster replication process adds extra egress traffic, because it might need to replicate the existing data based on business requirements along with the incoming data. For instance, if the ingress volume is X GB/day and data is retained in the cluster for 2 days, replicating the data from the earliest offset would cause the total egress volume for replication to be 2X GB. The cluster must accommodate this increased egress volume.

    Let’s take an example where in your existing source cluster you have an average data ingress of 100 MBps and peak data ingress of 400 MBps with retention of 48 hours. Let’s assume you have one consumer of the data you produce to your Kafka cluster, which means that your egress traffic will be same compared to your ingress traffic. Based on this requirement, you can use the Amazon MSK sizing guide to calculate the broker capacity you need to safely handle this workload. In the spreadsheet, you will need to provide your average and maximum ingress/egress traffic in the cells, as shown in the following screenshot.

    Because you need to replicate all the data produced in your Kafka cluster, the consumption will be higher than the regular workload. Taking this into account, your overall egress traffic will be at least twice the size of your ingress traffic.

    However, when you run a replication tool, the resulting egress traffic will be higher than twice the ingress because you also need to replicate the existing data along with the new incoming data in the cluster. In the preceding example, you have an average ingress of 100 MBps and you retain data for 48 hours, which means that you have a total of approximately 18 TB of existing data in your source cluster that needs to be copied over on top of the new data that’s coming through. Let’s further assume that your goal for the replicator is to catch up in 30 hours. In this case, your replicator needs to copy data at 260 MBps (100 MBps for ingress traffic + 160 MBps (18 TB/30 hours) for existing data) to catch up in 30 hours. The following figure illustrates this process.

    Therefore, in the sizing guide’s egress cells, you need to add an additional 260 MBps to your average data out and peak data out to estimate the size of the cluster you should provision to complete the replication safely and on time.

    Replication tools act as a consumer to the source cluster, so there is a chance that this replication consumer can consume higher bandwidth, which can negatively impact the existing application client’s produce and consume requests. To control the replication consumer throughput, you can use a consumer-side Kafka quota in the source cluster to limit the replicator throughput. This makes sure that the replicator consumer will throttle when it goes beyond the limit, thereby safeguarding the other consumers. However, if the quota is set too low, the replication throughput will suffer and the replication might never end. Based on the preceding example, you can set a quota for the replicator to be at least 260 MBps, otherwise the replication will not finish in 30 hours.

  • Volume throughput – Data replication might involve reading from the earliest offset (based on business requirement), impacting your primary storage volume, which in this case is Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). The VolumeReadBytes and VolumeWriteBytes metrics should be checked to make sure the source cluster volume throughput has additional bandwidth to handle any additional read from the disk. Depending on the cluster size and replication data volume, you should provision storage throughput in the cluster. With provisioned storage throughput, you can increase the Amazon EBS throughput up to 1000 MBps depending on the broker size. The maximum volume throughput can be specified depending on broker size and type, as mentioned in Manage storage throughput for Standard brokers in a Amazon MSK cluster. Based on the preceding example, the replicator will start reading from the disk and the volume throughput of 260 MBps will be shared across all the brokers. However, existing consumers can lag, which will cause reading from the disk, thereby increasing the storage read throughput. Also, there is storage write throughput due to incoming data from the producer. In this scenario, enabling provisioned storage throughput will increase the overall EBS volume throughput (read + write) so that existing producer and consumer performance doesn’t get impacted due to the replicator reading data from EBS volumes.
  • Balanced partitions – Make sure partitions are well-distributed across brokers, with no skewed leader partitions.

Depending on the assessment, you might need to vertically scale up or horizontally scale out the source cluster before migration.

Assessing the target cluster’s infrastructure and needs

Use the same sizing tool to estimate the size of your Express broker cluster. Typically, fewer Express brokers might be needed compared to Standard brokers for the same workload because depending on the instance size, Express brokers allow up to three times more ingress throughput.

Configuring Express Brokers

Express brokers employ opinionated and optimized Kafka configurations, so it’s important to differentiate between configurations that are read-only and those that are read/write during planning. Read/write broker-level configurations should be configured separately as a pre-migration step in the target cluster. Although MSK Replicator will replicate most topic-level configurations, certain topic-level configurations are always set to default values in an Express cluster: replication-factor, min.insync.replicas, and unclean.leader.election.enable. If the default values differ from the source cluster, these configurations will be overridden.

As part of the metadata, MSK Replicator also copies certain ACL types, as mentioned in Metadata replication. It doesn’t explicitly copy the write ACLs except the deny ones. Therefore, if you’re using SASL/SCRAM or mTLS authentication with ACLs rather than AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication, write ACLs need to be explicitly created in the target cluster.

Client connectivity to the target cluster

Deployment of the target cluster can occur within the same virtual private cloud (VPC) or a different one. Consider any changes to client connectivity, including updates to security groups and IAM policies, during the planning phase.

Migration strategy: All at once vs. wave

Two migration strategies can be adopted:

  • All at once – All topics are replicated to the target cluster simultaneously, and all clients are migrated at once. Although this approach simplifies the process, it generates significant egress traffic and involves risks to multiple clients if issues arise. However, if there is any failure, you can roll back by redirecting the clients to use the source cluster. It’s recommended to perform the cutover during non-business hours and communicate with stakeholders beforehand.
  • Wave – Migration is broken into phases, moving a subset of clients (based on business requirements) in each wave. After each phase, the target cluster’s performance can be evaluated before proceeding. This reduces risks and builds confidence in the migration but requires meticulous planning, especially for large clusters with many microservices.

Each strategy has its pros and cons. Choose the one that aligns best with your business needs. For insights, refer to Goldman Sachs’ migration strategy to move from on-premises Kafka to Amazon MSK.

Cutover plan

Although MSK Replicator facilitates seamless data replication with minimal downtime, it’s essential to devise a clear cutover plan. This includes coordinating with stakeholders, stopping producers and consumers in the source cluster, and restarting them in the target cluster. If a failure occurs, you can roll back by redirecting the clients to use the source cluster.

Schema registry

When migrating from a Standard broker to an Express broker cluster, schema registry considerations remain unaffected. Clients can continue using existing schemas for both producing and consuming data with Amazon MSK.

Solution overview

In this setup, two Amazon MSK provisioned clusters are deployed: one with Standard brokers (source) and the other with Express brokers (target). Both clusters are located in the same AWS Region and VPC, with IAM authentication enabled. MSK Replicator is used to replicate topics, data, and configurations from the source cluster to the target cluster. The replicator is configured to maintain identical topic names across both clusters, providing seamless replication without requiring client-side changes.

During the first phase, the source MSK cluster handles client requests. Producers write to the clickstream topic in the source cluster, and a consumer group with the group ID clickstream-consumer reads from the same topic. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

When data replication to the target MSK cluster is complete, we need to evaluate the health of the target cluster. After confirming the cluster is healthy, we need to migrate the clients in a controlled manner. First, we need to stop the producers, reconfigure them to write to the target cluster, and then restart them. Then, we need to stop the consumers after they have processed all remaining records in the source cluster, reconfigure them to read from the target cluster, and restart them. The following diagram illustrates the new architecture.

Migrate from Standard brokers to Express brokers in Amazon MSK using Amazon MSK Replicator

After verifying that all clients are functioning correctly with the target cluster using Express brokers, we can safely decommission the source MSK cluster with Standard brokers and the MSK Replicator.

Deployment Steps

In this section, we discuss the step-by-step process to replicate data from an MSK Standard broker cluster to an Express broker cluster using MSK Replicator and also the client migration strategy. For the purpose of the blog, “all at once” migration strategy is used.

Provision the MSK cluster

Download the AWS CloudFormation template to provision the MSK cluster. Deploy the following in us-east-1 with stack name as migration.

This will create the VPC, subnets, and two Amazon MSK provisioned clusters: one with Standard brokers (source) and another with Express brokers (target) within the VPC configured with IAM authentication. It will also create a Kafka client Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance where from we can use the Kafka command line to create and view Kafka topics and produce and consume messages to and from the topic.

Configure the MSK client

On the Amazon EC2 console, connect to the EC2 instance named migration-KafkaClientInstance1 using Session Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager.

After you log in, you need to configure the source MSK cluster bootstrap address to create a topic and publish data to the cluster. You can get the bootstrap address for IAM authentication from the details page for the MSK cluster (migration-standard-broker-src-cluster) on the Amazon MSK console, under View Client Information. You also need to update the and files to reflect the bootstrap address of the standard broker cluster.

sudo su - ec2-user

export BS_SRC=<>
sed -i "s/bootstrap.servers=/bootstrap.servers=${BS_SRC}/g"

Create a topic

Create a clickstream topic using the following commands:

/home/ec2-user/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server=$BS_SRC \
--create --replication-factor 3 --partitions 3 \
--topic clickstream \

Produce and consume messages to and from the topic

Run the clickstream producer to generate events in the clickstream topic:

cd /home/ec2-user/clickstream-producer-for-apache-kafka/

java -jar target/KafkaClickstreamClient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -t clickstream \
-pfp /home/ec2-user/ -nt 8 -rf 3600 -iam \
-gsr -gsrr <> -grn default-registry -gar

Open another Session Manager instance and from that shell, run the clickstream consumer to consume from the topic:

cd /home/ec2-user/clickstream-consumer-for-apache-kafka/

java -jar target/KafkaClickstreamConsumer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -t clickstream \
-pfp /home/ec2-user/ -nt 3 -rf 3600 -iam \
-gsr -gsrr <> -grn default-registry

Keep the producer and consumer running. If not interrupted, the producer and consumer will run for 60 minutes before it exits. The -rf parameter controls how long the producer and consumer will run.

Create an MSK replicator

To create an MSK replicator, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Replicators in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create replicator.
  3. In the Replicator details section, enter a name and optional description.

  1. In the Source cluster section, provide the following information:
    1. For Cluster region, choose us-east-1.
    2. For MSK cluster, enter the MSK cluster Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Standard broker.

After the source cluster is selected, it automatically selects the subnets associated with the primary cluster and the security group associated with the source cluster. You can also select additional security groups.

Make sure that the security groups have outbound rules to allow traffic to your cluster’s security groups. Also make sure that your cluster’s security groups have inbound rules that accept traffic from the replicator security groups provided here.

  1. In the Target cluster section, for MSK cluster¸ enter the MSK cluster ARN for the Express broker.

After the target cluster is selected, it automatically selects the subnets associated with the primary cluster and the security group associated with the source cluster. You can also select additional security groups.

Now let’s provide the replicator settings.

  1. In the Replicator settings section, provide the following information:
    1. For the purpose of the example, we have kept the topics to replicate as a default value that would replicate all topics from primary to secondary cluster.
    2. For Replicator starting position, we configure it to replicate from the earliest offset, so that we can get all the events from the start of the source topics.
    3. To configure the topic name in the secondary cluster as identical to the primary cluster, we select Keep the same topic names for Copy settings. This makes sure that the MSK clients don’t need to add a prefix to the topic names.

    1. For this example, we keep the Consumer Group Replication setting as default (make sure it’s enabled to allow redirected clients resume processing data from the last processed offset).
    2. We set Target Compression type as None.

The Amazon MSK console will automatically create the required IAM policies. If you’re deploying using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), SDK, or AWS CloudFormation, you have to create the IAM policy and use it as per your deployment process.

  1. Choose Create to create the replicator.

The process will take around 15–20 minutes to deploy the replicator. When the MSK replicator is running, this will be reflected in the status.

Monitor replication

When the MSK replicator is up and running, monitor the MessageLag metric. This metric indicates how many messages are yet to be replicated from the source MSK cluster to the target MSK cluster. The MessageLag metric should come down to 0.

Migrate clients from source to target cluster

When the MessageLag metric reaches 0, it indicates that all messages have been replicated from the source MSK cluster to the target MSK cluster. At this stage, you can cut over client applications from the source to the target cluster. Before initiating this step, confirm the health of the target cluster by reviewing the Amazon MSK metrics in Amazon CloudWatch and making sure that the client applications are functioning properly. Then complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the producers writing data to the source (old) cluster with Standard brokers and reconfigure them to write to the target (new) cluster with Express brokers.
  2. Before migrating the consumers, make sure that the MaxOffsetLag metric for the consumers has dropped to 0, confirming that they have processed all existing data in the source cluster.
  3. When this condition is met, stop the consumers and reconfigure them to read from the target cluster.

The offset lag happens if the consumer is consuming slower than the rate the producer is producing data. The flat line in the following metric visualization shows that the producer has stopped producing to the source cluster while the consumer attached to it continues to consume the existing data and eventually consumes all the data, therefore the metric goes to 0.

  1. Now you can update the bootstrap address in and to point to the target Express based MSK cluster. You can get the bootstrap address for IAM authentication from the MSK cluster (migration-express-broker-dest-cluster) on the Amazon MSK console under View Client Information.
export BS_TGT=<>
sed -i "s/bootstrap.servers=.*/bootstrap.servers=${BS_TGT}/g"

  1. Run the clickstream producer to generate events in the clickstream topic:
cd /home/ec2-user/clickstream-producer-for-apache-kafka/

java -jar target/KafkaClickstreamClient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -t clickstream \
-pfp /home/ec2-user/ -nt 8 -rf 60 -iam \
-gsr -gsrr <> -grn default-registry -gar

  1. In another Session Manager instance and from that shell, run the clickstream consumer to consume from the topic:
cd /home/ec2-user/clickstream-consumer-for-apache-kafka/

java -jar target/KafkaClickstreamConsumer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -t clickstream \
-pfp /home/ec2-user/ -nt 3 -rf 60 -iam \
-gsr -gsrr <> -grn default-registry

We can see that the producers and consumers are now producing and consuming to the target Express based MSK cluster. The producers and consumers will run for 60 seconds before they exit.

The following screenshot shows producer-produced messages to the new Express based MSK cluster for 60 seconds.

Migrate stateful applications

Stateful applications such as Apache Spark and Apache Flink use their own checkpointing mechanisms to store consumer offsets instead of relying on Kafka’s consumer group offset mechanism. When migrating topics from a source cluster to a target cluster, the Kafka offsets in the source will differ from those in the target. As a result, migrating a stateful application along with its state requires careful consideration, because the existing offsets are incompatible with the replicated target cluster’s offsets. So, you need to re-build the state again by re-processing all the replicated data in the target cluster.

Migrate Kafka Streams and KSQL applications

Kafka Streams and KSQL applications rely on internal topics for execution. For example, changelog topics are used for state management. It is advisable not to replicate these internal changelog topics to the target MSK cluster. Instead, the Kafka Streams application should be configured to start from the earliest offset of the topics in the target cluster. This allows the state to be rebuilt. However, this method results in duplicate processing, because all the data in the topic is reprocessed. Therefore, the target destination (such as a database) must be idempotent to handle these duplicates effectively.

Express brokers don’t allow configuring segment.bytes to optimize performance. Therefore, the internal topics need to be manually created before the Kafka Streams application is migrated to the new Express based cluster. For more information, refer to Using Kafka Streams with MSK Express brokers and MSK Serverless.

Migrate Apache Spark applications

Spark stores offsets in its checkpoint location, which should be a file system compatible with HDFS, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). After migrating the Spark application to the target MSK cluster, you should remove the checkpoint location, causing the Spark application to lose its state. To rebuild the state, configure the Spark application to start processing from the earliest offset of the source topics in the target cluster. This will lead to re-processing all the data from the start of the topic and therefore will generate duplicate data. Consequently, the target destination (such as a database) must be idempotent to effectively handle these duplicates.

Migrate Apache Flink applications

Flink stores consumer offsets within the state of its Kafka source operator. When checkpoints are completed, the Kafka source commits the current consuming offset to provide consistency between Flink’s checkpoint state and the offsets committed on Kafka brokers. Unlike other systems, Flink applications don’t rely on the __consumer_offsets topic to track offsets; instead, they use the offsets stored in Flink’s state.

During Flink application migration, one approach is to start the application without a Savepoint. This approach discards the entire state and reverts to reading from the last committed offset of the consumer group. However, this prevents the application from accurately rebuilding the state of downstream Flink operators, leading to discrepancies in computation results. To address this, you can either avoid replicating the consumer group of the Flink application or assign a new consumer group to the application when restarting it in the target cluster. Additionally, configure the application to start reading from the earliest offset of the source topics. This enables re-processing all data from the source topics and rebuilding the state. However, this method will result in duplicate data, so the target system (such as a database) must be idempotent to handle these duplicates effectively.

Alternatively, you can reset the state of the Kafka source operator. Flink uses operator IDs (UIDs) to map the state to specific operators. When restarting the application from a Savepoint, Flink matches the state to operators based on their assigned IDs. It is recommended to assign a unique ID to each operator to enable seamless state restoration from Savepoints. To reset the state of the Kafka source operator, change its operator ID. Passing the operator ID as a parameter in a configuration file can simplify this process. Restart the Flink application with parameter --allowNonRestoredState (if you are running self-managed Flink). This will reset only the state of the Kafka source operator, leaving other operator states unaffected. As a result, the Kafka source operator resumes from the last committed offset of the consumer group, avoiding full reprocessing and state rebuilding. Although this might still produce some duplicates in the output, it results in no data loss. This approach is applicable only when using the DataStream API to build Flink applications.


Migrating from a Standard broker MSK cluster to an Express broker MSK cluster using MSK Replicator provides a seamless, efficient transition with minimal downtime. By following the steps and strategies discussed in this post, you can take advantage of the high-performance, cost-effective benefits of Express brokers while maintaining data consistency and application uptime.

Ready to optimize your Kafka infrastructure? Start planning your migration to Amazon MSK Express brokers today and experience improved scalability, speed, and reliability. For more details, refer to the Amazon MSK Developer Guide.

About the Author

Subham Rakshit is a Senior Streaming Solutions Architect for Analytics at AWS based in the UK. He works with customers to design and build streaming architectures so they can get value from analyzing their streaming data. His two little daughters keep him occupied most of the time outside work, and he loves solving jigsaw puzzles with them. Connect with him on LinkedIn.



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