You probably spend more time at work than you spend at home. When you consider the amount of time you spend just sleeping when you’re at home, you really do spend more quality time in the workplace on a lot of days. So shouldn’t you be working in a healthy, beautiful and inspiring workspace?
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Inauguration of Liander Westpoort regional office for Alliander was designed by De Zwarte Hond to become a beautiful workplace in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The design includes an office building, warehouses, test facilities, workshops, educational areas and parking. The facility will be a second home to 700 employees.
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The design was made for sustainability, modularity and safety. This facility was made with sustainable materials with as little glue, foam and sealants as possible. The all-timber construction is sustainable and the design can grow as needed as the company and employee needs grow.
The façades are covered with Corten steel, a weather-resistant material that stands up to the elements. The interior is designed to encourage interaction and engagement. The large atrium has central wooden staircases where employees can interact with each other. The wandering staircase connects each floor at a different place. Employees can find themselves in different areas of the facility and get exposed to new people and processes within the company.
Additionally, this building is gas-free and energy-neutral. Thermal energy storage and solar panels keep the facility running. Materials were reused to create this design thanks to a circular economy approach that was used throughout the construction. Plants all around the buildings and on the buildings create natural habitats for birds, insects, small mammals and amphibians. Overall, 30% of the façade is green. Rainwater is stored on-site to provide irrigation for the plants. It’s all part of the nature-inclusive design.
This is also an all-inclusive design, with three different companies located on the site. People and nature can work together across different companies, different tasks and different goals. Thereby, this design is the proof of how an all-inclusive mindset can create a truly beautiful, healthy and sustainable world.
Images via Jaques Tillmans Foto Focus and Scagliola Brakkee